New name and mailinglist

Written by Quintus on 2014-10-01.

Our new name has been decided on, and a mailinglist has been created.

Today is a great day. After weeks of discussion, we have finally come to a decision on the issue ticket numbered #92, which was the main place where the discussion around our project name was happening. We have departed from the SMC project in our goals already, but the game still announced itself under this name. From today, we are now to be known under the following name:

The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M.

Dr. M., whose full name has not yet been decided on, will be the villain of a new and darker story which will probably be centered around libraries and ancient ruins. The current draft of the story, which is being authored by datahead, is available on our wiki, and any contribution to our story is appreciated. You may join our forums or visit us on IRC in #secretchronicles on Freenode.

Having found a name for our fork, it now is time to also design a new logo, as the old SMC one obviously cannot be used anymore. An issue ticket has been created to take care of the task, and we welcome every suggestion on a new logo for the game.

Apart from the logo, we also need many different artistic contributions. If you feel you have artistic capabilities with regard to creating graphics or music, you can browse our issue tracker with a filter applied for the Graphics or Music & Sounds. There is plenty to do, and chances are your contributions will be included quickly into the game, as we strive to make a difference from the SMC project. Among those tickets, the one regarding removal and replacement of the Mario-style music deserves a specific mention, as it is of utmost importance to us to depart from the Mario roots of the SMC project. To the current day, however, we do not have had enough background music contribution to allow for the removal of the remixes without leaving a large gap behind us, hindering both level designers and players of the game.

In parallel to this article, the fourth beta version of the now renamed fork is being made available. You will soon be able to download it from the corresponding page, and we appreciate any tests of it, as they aid us in creating a stable 2.0.0 release.

Finally, I am proud to say we have set up a mailinglist to help us developing the game. The list has no online archives at the moment, but we are working on setting those up. In the meantime, we invite you to subscribe and participate on [email protected] by sending an empty email (subject does not matter) to [email protected]. You will receive a confirmation email with further instructions, which when followed will grant you read and post access to the otherwise public mailinglist.

Help us moving the game forward.


Update 2014-10-02

The 4th beta has been released. Please download and test it.